Mabel Collins (1851-1927) was born Minna Mabel Collins in 1851 at St Peters Port, Guernsey, and though never formally educated, she proved a It was borne in her mind that this alleged “doctor friend” was nothing more than a figment in D’Onston’s imagination, invented to conceal his own identity with Jack the Ripper. She was now convinced, beyond all doubt, that the man standing before her was in fact the Whitechapel murderer.
The Ukrainian Government has removed a number of monuments of Russian and Soviet figures from the state register of monuments of national importance, allowing for their dismantling, the Culture Ministry announced on Nov. 10.
DOMOVOY V. ⸻ Blavatsky sat at her desk facing a large window looking which looked into the green leafy trees of Holland Park. Before her, and all around
Vicco von Bülow, der Maestro des Aneinandervorbeijodelns und Analytiker des Absurden im Alltäglichen, ist durch sein Werk präsent wie nie. Wer aber steckte eigentlich hinter all den Masken in den wechselnden Rollen? Joana Ortmann folgt den Spuren des unbekannten Loriot und fördert allerhand Erstaunliches zutage.