Cover Design by Alex Zuniga Everybody knows that the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest story of 2020, with social and political tensions coming in a very close second and almost certainly intertwined with the pandemic. Although California also had another record fire season in 2020, SLO County thankfully didn t. The happiest county on the California coast made national news several times this past year with SLO County Sheriff Ian Parkinson s and District Attorney Dan Dow s stance against Black Lives Matter protesters and COVID-19 regulations, the arrest and prosecution of protest leader Tianna Arata, and COVID-19 positive case numbers taking up the bulk of that national attention. Local residents seemed to take issue with everything facing each other in the streets with protests and anti-protests, bickering online in divergent Facebook groups and catty Instagram stories, shouting about COVID
COVID-19 pandemic thrown into the mix for good measure. click to enlarge Speaking of the pandemic, COVID-19 has definitely been a naughty little virus, and it s resurging with a vengeance just like all those experts said it would. After ruining basically all of 2020, coronavirus is now targeting
Christmas. Remember when we were worried about running out of toilet paper, standing in line at
Costco, and I, for one, would just like to send my sincerest gratitude to
Lame Duck President Donald Trump for doing absolutely nothing to bring the
United States of America together in unity to prevent what we re experiencing right now. He s been on the naughty list for his whole life, so thankfully, I don t need to change a thing.