Curated collection of prompts for use with LLMs. Accessible interactively in Chat Notebooks and programmatically in functions like LLMFunction. Initial categories in the Prompt Repository cover personas, functions, modifiers.
Wolfram s Version 14 includes expansive connections to and from LLMs. New learning tools, including courses and books. Plus, functionality advances in math, core language, video objects, trees, finite fields, Knowledgebase, systems engineering, graphics. Astro, biological and chemical computation.
Wolfram s Version 13.3 includes a subsystem around LLMs plus new functionality in integrals, special functions, finite fields, computational geometry, live highlighting in visualizations, AR & VR deployment. See examples for those and dozens of other enhancements.
Wolfram expands Notebooks, integrating LLM functionality into the new chat cell and Chat Notebook. Stephen Wolfram explains how chat-enabled and chat-driven versions work.