Amidst a troubled international environment and a subdued global economy, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong announced on Friday (Feb 16) that Budget 2024 is about helping Singaporeans with their cost-of-living concerns. In his two-hour speech, Wong started off saying that the past year has not been easy, and Singapore's economy grew by a modest 1.1 per.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Human Resources Ministry has taken appropriate action to ensure that cyberattacks on Social Security Organisation (Socso) systems will not recur.
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 11 The Ministry of Human Resources (KSM) has taken appropriate action to ensure that cyber-attacks targeting the infrastructure of the Social Security.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Human Resources (KSM) has taken appropriate action to ensure that cyber attacks targeting the infrastructure of the Soci.