Dan Pickard, shareholder and International Trade and National Security practice group leader, discussed the recently filed petition to counter unfairly.
Welcome to your monthly legal insights on the trends impacting the Retail, Hospitality, and Food & Beverage Industries. Cybersecurity/Privacy - It’s a New Year and a Good Time for a.
Three new U.S. antidumping (“AD”) petitions were filed on Dec. 28 by the U.S. Glass Producers Coalition (“GPC” or “Petitioner”) against imports of certain glass wine bottles (“wine.
On December 29, 2023, the US Glass Producers Coalition (Petitioner), together with the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial Service Workers.
The Petition - On December 29, 2023, the U.S. Glass Producers Coalition ("Petitioners") filed an antidumping duty ("ADD") petition on imports of certain glass wine.