India registers over 58,000 snakebite deaths annually, almost 80 per cent of global snakebite deaths. The traditional practice of the Kalbelias, highly skilled in catching snakes and treating snake/scorpion bites, has been criminalised, and they lack land, livelihood and dignity. On World Snake Day, July 16, a look at the historical injustices meted out to this tribe of snake charmers.
PM modi table draft amendment bill act preventing animal cruelty monsoon session; letter PM Narendra Modi NGO pending status bill recommendations Animal Welfare Board of India 140 MPs; monsoon session Parliament commence July 20 continue August 11; animal rights organisation written Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging table draft amendment bill Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act upcoming monsoon session Parliament; letter prime minister Mercy For Animals India Foundation pending status bill recommendations Animal Welfare Board of India 140 MPs; latest news on; Vijaysinh Parmar
Citing increase in stray dog attacks in Kerala, especially against children, the Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KeSCPCR) has approached the Supreme Court seeking directions.
The High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh recently dismissed a Public Interest Litigation filed by one Tek Chand seeking ban on practice of slaughtering animals as part of religious sacrifices