Theatrical powerhouse Astravaganza Entertainment is thrilled to announce their upcoming production of the beloved musical 'Annie,' directed by South Shields native David Ducasse. This highly anticipated event promises to be a highlight of the summer, featuring a unique blend of local talent and seasoned professionals.
The Resident Director of the Weija Leprosarium, Father Andrew Campbell, has spoken about his personal experience of the compassionate nature of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.
Special Japan Festival Program Campaign only for Mandiri JCB Precious cardholders!TOKYO, June 4, 2024 - (JCN Newswire) - PT JCB International Indonesia, a subsidiary of JCB International Co., Ltd. (JCB)
Pertamina Geothermal Energy and PLN have signed an agreement to jointly develop binary power plants in the existing Ulubulu and Lahendong sites Indenoia.