The meeting, each speaker has up to 3 minutes, i do have one speaker card. Mr. Jim hasz. You may recall several waoex agency after the planning staff made a report to you on the Civic Center Public Realm plan, i made comments regarding the response to the rec and Park Commission for the plaza and other matters relate tog the public realm. I now want the share with you the comment with had list rfr of civic center to give you depth on those issues, in my transmittal letter to the may yo, there are two points you will find in the history, one tha, the Panama International exhibition is largely responsible for the reyeasting of the civic center in city hall, the businessman behind the ppie had no competence in the existing mayor and wanted their own person as mayor, so they ran james wolf who was successful and was elected, he then used the resources of the ppie company to get the planning started for the civic center and talked them into giving a Million Dollars to build the auditorium.