Award-winning animation studio’s new 2D animated series follows 3 kids, their folks and Granny, who embrace every little moment together on their family Sundays; series premiered in Ireland and is rolling out in LatAM and the U.S.
Digital studio expands into free and pay TV in LATAM, Canaries, and MENA; deals include 540 episodes of popular shows, including ‘Shark Academy,’ ‘Miliki Family,’ ‘RoboFuse,’ ‘AnimaCars,’ and ‘Increditales.’
Based on the New York Times bestseller by Jessie Sima, the animated preschool series about curious and fun-loving Kelp, who always believed he was a narwhal until he finds out he’s not, returns January 22 with all-new episodes.
Creator Rick Suvalle shares exclusive concept art and talks about the new season of his 3DCG preschool series about a tiny fairy family of ‘Dew Drops’ turning everyday challenges into extraordinary adventures; 12 all-new episodes debut today, December 4, on Netflix.
American-British actress Sandra Dickinson voices Granny Sheep, joining the franchise’s first multigenerational household; all 13 episodes roll out next month during the month-long ‘Peppa’s Holiday Pep-tacular.’