A day after the CBI filed a charge sheet against rebel MP of YSR Congress party (YSRCP) K Raghu Rama Krishna Raju, his company Ind-Barath Power (Madras) Limited and 15 others in connection with Rs 947. 71 crore loan fraud, he said on Saturday .
A day after the CBI filed a charge sheet against rebel MP of YSR Congress party (YSRCP) K Raghu Rama Krishna Raju, his company Ind-Barath Power (Madras) Limited and 15 others in connection with Rs 947
CBI has filed a charge sheet against YSR Congress MP Raghu Ramkrishna Raju and 15 other individuals and companies in connection with alleged loan fraud case of Rs 947 crore with Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC), other lenders, officials said.