Poultry Health Management School to go virtual
Registration for the virtual Poultry Health Management School (PHMS) is open for the May 24-25 course.
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Poultry Health Management School to go virtual
Registration for the virtual Poultry Health Management School (PHMS) is open for the May 24-25 course.
Check out this story on FarmersAdvance.com: https://www.farmersadvance.com/story/news/2021/05/12/poultry-health-management-school-go-virtual/4977986001/
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Farm, Garden & Outdoors calendar published May 8, 2021
Events and classes scheduled in the outdoors, gardening and farming. Submit your event at news@wctrib.com by noon on Tuesday. Written By: Donna Middleton | ×
Gathering Partners Conference: May 13-15, virtually, $60, registration deadline May 10. Event is a favorite for friends of Minnesota’s natural resources, including volunteers, landowners, citizen scientists and advocates. From phenology to climate change, wildlife watching to invasive species management, participants can learn about Minnesota’s ecology virtually. Evenings will include a virtual happy hour, game show night, and more. Optional field trips at various northern Minnesota locations. Each optional field trip is $35; financial assistance is available. More information and registration on website at gatheringpartners.umn.edu.
Farm, Garden & Outdoors calendar published April 24, 2021
Events and classes scheduled in the outdoors, gardening and farming. Submit your event at news@wctrib.com by noon on Tuesday. Written By: Donna Middleton | ×
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program: April 12-30 sign-up period. Applications can be started sooner and landowners are encouraged to do so. It is a voluntary state-federal program designed to improve water quality and habitat with a goal to protect and restore up to 60,000 acres of marginal cropland across 54 southern and western Minnesota counties with native plantings. Landowners simultaneously enroll land in a 14- to 15-year federal Conservation Reserve Program contract and a permanent Reinvest in Minnesota Program conservation easement. Private ownership continues and the land is permanently restored and enhanced for water quality and habitat benefits. For more information, contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District