The Delhi High Court on Thursday ruled that the power of the Enforcement Directorate to issue summons to a person under Section 50 of PMLA does not include the power to arrest. Justice Anup Jairam.
Judgments/OrdersUAPA - Watali Precedent Won t Apply If Evidence Is Of Low Probative Value On Surface Level Analysis: Supreme CourtCase title: Vernon v. State of MaharashtraCitation: 2023 LiveLaw.
Judgments/OrdersCentral Civil Service Rules | Retired Employee Can Be Appointed As Inquiry Authority In Disciplinary Proceedings: Supreme CourtCase title: Union of India v. Jagdish Chandra.
The Supreme Court on Monday held that any non-compliance of the mandate of Section 19 (Power To Arrest) of the Prevention Of Money Laundering Act, 2002, would vitiate the very arrest itself. A.