in dream sleep we lose complete sense of position, time. you re in a dream and suddenly you re in moscow and then you re in montreal. we make these wild transitions and we never think about it. what happens is position sense is turned off. the 99% of people fly in their dreams. that s fascinating. then there s another flipside to that, the falling dream. can you explain that one? falling is the same kind of thing. you re going through a place and you don t know how the heck you came to the next spot. so, many people who fly also fall. but they usually find flying a heck of a lot more fun than falling. the good part is even when they fall, they re really okay. of course. here is one that is always interesting to me, the dreams of public nudity. i mean, contrary to what some are thinking, it s not a dream about being an exhibitionist, am i right? absolutely not. in a time when people are worried about tsa with body scanners and getting pat-downs,