really influential, fascinating women and you interviewed them for a documentary. what is the point of this film? i think the point of the film is really to first of all to really listen and see. just to see what are these brilliant minds thinking? what do women theologians, what do women physicists and doctors, psychologists, pornographic filmmakers, spiritualists, god, everything. engineers. every kind of brilliant thinking women in the world. we just touched women from all over the world and got their point of views about what kind of state is the world in, why do you think it s in this state, what do you think is happening? why do you think it s happening? what are your thoughts and
women and you interviewed them for a documentary. what is the point of this film? i think the point of the film is really to first of all to really listen and see. just to see what are these brilliant minds thinking? what do women theologians, what do women physicists and doctors, psychologists, pornographic filmmakers, spiritualists, god, everything. engineers. every kind of brilliant thinking women in the world. we just touched women from all over the world and got their point of views about what kind of state is the world, in why do you think it s in this state, what do you think is happening? why do you think it s happening? what are your thoughts and feelings about everything? just from the feminine perspective. and it was just quite a fascinating journey.
really influential, fascinating women and you interviewed them for a documentary. what is the point of this film? i think the point of the film is really to first of all to really listen and see. just to see what are these brilliant minds thinking? what do women theologians, what do women physicists and doctors, psychologists, pornographic filmmakers, spiritualists, god, everything. en engineers. every kind of brilliant thinking women in the world. we just touched women from all over the world and got their point of views about what kind of state is the world, in why do you think it s in this state, what do you think is happening? why do you think it s happening? what are your thoughts and feelings about everything? just from the feminine perspective. and it was just quite a