ELURU: The Andhra Pradesh government has released arrears due to the police officers and staff of Eluru and West Godavari districts. As per reports, payment of dues in both districts is slated to be around Rs.8 crores. Travel allowance arrears alone is approximately between Rs 3.82 crores to Rs.4.12 crores officials state. Apart from these, the HRA and other dues in both
Eluru: Tense situation prevailed in G. Kottapalli Dwarka Tirumala Mandal after a local YSRCP leader was hacked to death. The miscreants attacked the MLA Talari Venkata Rao who went to the village to console the family members of the deceased G. Kottapalli village unit president Ganji Prasad. The villagers attacked the Gopalapuram legislator for reportedly being involved in a
Vijayawada: At least eight passengers of an Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation bus were killed as it fell into a rivulet near Jangareddygudem in West Godavari district.