Additional Superintendent of Police Gopal Khandel had on Friday said they received a tip off that the hospital was allegedly paying money to Ayushman Bharat card holders to get admitted.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Police have registered a case against a doctor couple in Madhya Pradesh s Jabalpur city after 70 patients covered under the Prime Minister Jan Arogya Yojana were found in a hotel instead of an adjoining hospital, officials said on Monday. India News | Case Against Doctor Couple in MP After Health Scheme Beneficiaries Found in Hotel Instead of Hospital.
Urban and rural police stations in the district received two complaints each against Moitra for allegedly hurting religious sentiments and these were clubbed as all of them were similar, Additional Superintendent of Police Gopal Khandel said.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Four complaints against Trinamool Congress Lok Sabha MP Mahua Moitra for her alleged objectionable remarks about Goddess Kali have been clubbed to form a single FIR in Madhya Pradesh s Jabalpur district, a police official said on Saturday. India News | MP: 4 Complaints Clubbed into One FIR Against Moitra for Kali Remarks.
Urban and rural police stations in the district received two complaints each against Moitra for allegedly hurting religious sentiments and these were clubbed as all of them were similar