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Presented by Uber Driver Stories
Good Thursday morning! It snowed
I’ve gotta give points to Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small for a creative way to raise money for a good cause.
Small is going to auction off the opportunity to press the button that brings down Trump Plaza, turning the hulking tower that has for years sat vacant and derelict along the boardwalk into a pile of rubble.
Bergen County Prosecutor taking over N.J. police department’s internal affairs unit
Updated Dec 16, 2020;
The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office is taking over Englewood Police Department’s internal affairs unit for at least the next six months, citing a months-long investigation into the unit.
Starting this week, the Prosecutor’s Office will enter into a monitoring agreement with the Englewood Police department to take complete control over the department’s internal affairs unit, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella said in a statement. The agreement will temporarily override Police Chief Larry Suffern’s authority over the unit for at least six months, with the potential to extend the time period for longer, according to the agreement.