A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple social media posts alongside a claim it shows police officers being deployed ahead of a protest in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta in April 2022. However, the clip has been shared in a false context; the footage shows police officers being dispatched to a protest in May 2019 in Jakarta.
Jakarta police are stepping up their roadblocks game with 100 checkpoints set up throughout the capital Coconuts 15 hrs ago A roadblock set up on Jalan TB Simatupang, South Jakarta. Photo: Twitter/@TMCPoldaMetro
Jakartans traveling throughout the city are more likely to bump into roadblocks starting today as the police step up measures to limit mobility in the capital.
The Jakarta Metro Police, which has been setting up roadblocks throughout the Greater Jakarta Area in conjunction with the Emergency Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (Emergency PPKM), is expanding the measure to now include 100 checkpoints in Jakarta as well as its satellite cities.