The capability of conducting Multi-Domain Operations is currently an aspiration of both NATO and some member nations. However, this is easy to say, more difficult to define, and harder still to do. MS&T’s UK-based special correspondent Dim Jones explores how far down this road the UK is and, crucially, what plans it has for training to achieve its objective.
One of the indelible impressions of the simulation and training (S&T) community this author gained during 2023 was the quickening pace of lines being blurred between the military learning (training and education) enterprise and its counterpart organizations in adjacent safety critical training (SCT) sectors.
Naval fleets are overcoming many of challenges associated with crafting realistic training activities by embracing the benefits of using synthetic training for maritime operations.
PORTSMOUTH NAVAL BASE, Portsmouth, U.K. A team made up of personnel from QinetiQ, Inzpire, and BAE Systems delivered a demonstration under Phase 2 of the Platform Enabled Training Capability (PETC) to the U.K. royal navy, under which the team connected simultaneously into three platforms docked at the naval base via satellite communications and enabled the crews of the ships to conduct realistic training against a peer adversary.
Connecting into the three platforms simultaneously via satellite communications, the QinetiQ, Inzpire and BAE Systems team enabled the delivery of the synthetic collective training environment to the Royal Navy.