In response to a recent Rottweiler attack on a five-year-old girl in a Chennai park, the Greater Chennai Corporation has imposed stricter pet regulations. Dogs must now be leashed and muzzled in public parks, with only one allowed per owner. A pet license is mandatory, ensuring compliance. Meanwhile, the injured child, Sudaksha, undergoes treatment, with the Corporation covering expenses. Investigations are ongoing into the incident.
NTA is expected to announce the JEE Main 2024 session 2 result on April 20, after releasing the final answer key. The exam was held in January and April, with over 24 lakh registrations. The top 100 percentile holders in session 1 were from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and […]
The BJP candidate from the Hyderabad Lok Sabha constituency, Kompella Madhavi Latha, has courted controversy after a video of her gesturing to shoot an arrow, purportedly in the direction of a mosque, came to light. Latha was participating in a Ram Navmi procession near Siddi Junction in old Hyderabad, and riding an open-top vehicle.