NEENAH – The Wisconsin Outstanding Young Farmer (OYF) program announced Kyle and Rachel Zwieg of Ixonia were selected as the 2022 Wisconsin Outstanding Young Farmers during the 68th Annual Awards
Price: $ You might be tempted to call Pita Plus one of St. Louis best-kept secrets - until you see the crowds thronging the tiny storefront at lunchtime. You ll still trumpet it as one heckuva value. The gyros are plump with shaved meat and utterly fantastic, the falafel - crisp outside and moist within - could convert the most savage of carnivores to the glories of the chickpea, and the baba gannoujh might be the best in town. Best of all, you and your dining mates can exit Pita Plus completely sated without spending more than $10 apiece. Restaurant Details
You might be tempted to call Pita Plus one of St. Louis best-kept secrets - until you see the crowds thronging the tiny storefront at lunchtime. You ll still trumpet it as one heckuva value. The gyros are plump with shaved meat and utterly fantastic, the falafel - crisp outside and moist within - could convert the most savage of carnivores to the glories of the chickpea, and the baba gannoujh might be the
well, i will tell you that i think that empathy is one of the most important characteristics in a leader, and when i am looking at the four guys, lincoln who may have been born wit, and teddy roosevelt developed it as a a political leader after he went into the tenements as a police commissioner in the slums, and franklin roosevelt with polio was more kind hearted to people whom fate dealt a unkind hand, and so em pathy is a naturalnes to deal with people who have gone through the tragedy and not only today with the carolinas, but at the point when florence was about to the come upon us, and he talked about the problems in maria and said that he had done it a-plus, and how much better to say, we didn t do as well as we wished we had, but too many died, and we will do better. anybody who acknowledges the errors will grow as a leader, and that is the self-refleck thun shun that we need. you have done so many books and study of lincoln and fdr and
to upon i if i kate and lecture and scold is not helpful to the process. rich these people are being brought out to stand behind the president when he makes his remarks. we have been given the 2-minute warning. we have seen the president do this before, bring in ordinary americans that would be impacted adversely were a deal not to be reached. we are expecting the president. his leadership on this issue, how would you grade it, dick? i grade it a-plus. he put a plan out. he talked about from the beginning that the republican s sole goal is to protect rich people at the expense of the elderly and everything else. protect the multi millionaires to the detriment of everybody else. he ran on that, he won on that