awesomeness, and then there s charleston. the south is not important h . there are pockets of weirdness, awesomeness and then there is charleston. for some time now important things have been happening with food, a lot of them having to do with this guy. found something good in this beautiful world i felt the rain getting colder [ music ] la la la la la what are we drinking? beer? harder stuff? what s going on? i usually go with a budweiser and a jagermeister. budweiser and jagermeister. what are we drinking? beer, hard stuff? what s going on? i usually go with budweiser and yeager meister. any notion of going local right out the window. chairs. the first one is never good. the first one is never good. it gets easier after the first one. this is not my first time to charleston, as you know. i did a show here before and i am still taking heat about it and apparently i really upped the first time i came here. i made a number of errors, apparently none mo
provides you in a time when good ingredients weren t available, we were trying to replicate the emotion that southern food provides you at a time when good ingredients were not available. we made up with tasteless ingredients by frying them and dumping butter on them. now we do not have to. wow, what s going on here? this is an onslaught of awesomeness here. [murray] we didn t order this. so pit beans that is been cooking over the fire all day. what is going on here x this is an onslaught of awesomeness? pit beams have been cooking