Anthem protest. But first, time to build the wall. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Its one of the president s cornerstone issues, and one he continues to invoke at rally after rally. And we are building a wall on the southern border which is necessary. And we will build the wall, that i can tell you. [crowd chanting] President Trump do not worry, we are going to build the wall. Dont even think about it. Laura well, congress intends to put nine Spending Bills on the president s desk. Of but there is no funding for the wall. We still are in favor of the wall, we want to get funding for the wall. The best time to have that discussion is after the election. Laura they have made a
political calculation that funding or talk of the wall wilw spook voters before the midterms. They have convinced the president of this. Here he is last week. President trump we are getting the wall done, but i have had so many people, good people, great people, they rather not do it before, they rather do it a
InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:INM – Get Free Report) was the recipient of a large growth in short interest during the month of April. As of April 15th, there was short interest totalling 114,500 shares, a growth of 1,011.7% from the March 31st total of 10,300 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 350,700 shares, […]
InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:INM – Get Free Report) was up 2.3% during trading on Tuesday . The company traded as high as $0.33 and last traded at $0.33. Approximately 27,491 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 70% from the average daily volume of 90,376 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.32. […]
active, i had never been involved in politics.n so they can twist and turn thisw all they want, but it s because rginthey see what we see.just we are surging in the polls, noa just in iowa, not just inm new hampshire, not just in south carolina. but i will say that is the problem with politicians. rather than talking about what they can do, they just want to a talk up and make things up, thae they are sayin ig i said. i m happy to dispute it every day of the week. e taat the end of the day, i d rather be talking about and inflation and our economy and education, how we have to got back to the basics and get ouree kids reading again, about aou border that s out of control, the factntan that we needa law and order backth in thisn an country, and we need a strong s taamerica we can be proud of again. that s what i on.m going to stay focused on. [applause] s pt we have a lot moree very questions on those very topics. when we come back, we will talk about a lot of those topics of governor