Auburn City Council disapproved the conditional use of a University Wine and Spirits package store on the property at 316 North Donahue Drive, where Family Dollar used to be.
kill emplooees and himself in a batman-style shooting, reminiscent of colorado s movie massacre last month. a search of his home today, turned up no weapons, but police say they found evidence that he was trying to buy an ak-47 rifle. but armstead s wife, says her husband has done nothing wrong. she admits he was angry when he made that call.. but says he never threatened anyone. (mrs. armstead) they have no evidence of it happening, besides the supervisor, besides her saying that he s going to do it. they have no evidence besides her saying that. in fact, mrs. armstead says her husband is the victim.. the target of a made by a woman in tennessee. meanwhile, armstead remains behind bars on a 60- thousand dollar bonn. live in glen burnie, keith daniels, fox 45 news, late edition. 3 we have breaking news from the baltimore county schools tonight. the school system has agreed to pay 150 thousand dollars to two high ranking employees who were given special job security when t