Family institutions have a special affection for david nasaw. s biography of Andrew Carnegie was a lifechanging event for us. Through davids work, we came to know Andrew Carnegie, one lesson from the book stayed with me and animated my work, and that is the cockeyed optimism was not entirely misplaced. For all the madness you see in the world progress based on reason and can do spirit is indeed possible. The idea keeps me going and this occasion gives me the opportunity to say thank you. In addition to the carnegie biography davids previous books include biographies of Joseph Kennedy and William Randolph hearst. Today we turn to david nasaws supportive not one person but 1 million persons who emerged brutalized yet alive on the day, april 1945. The last million europes displaced persons from world war to cold war is an epic story the texas to the heart of europe during and after world war ii. It describes the movement of millions of people amid shifting borders and general chaos. About
The last million. Europes displaced persons from world war to the cold war. Im joel rosenthal, Prime Minister of Carnegie Council for ethics and international affairs. For those of us in the carnegie family of institutions, we have a special affection for david. His biography of Andrew Carnegie published in 2006 was a lifechanging event for us. Through davids work, weve come to know Andrew Carnegie in all of his humanity and complexity, and theres one lesson from the book that really stayed with me and has animated my work at the Carnegie Council, and that is the as david would put it cashtys carnegies cockeyed optimism was not entirely misplaced. For all the madness we see in the world, progress based on reason and a cando spirit is, indeed, possible. That idea keeps me going, and this occasion gives me the opportunity to say thank you, david. In addition to the carnegie biography, davids previous books include prizewinning biographies of joseph p. Kennedy and William Randolph hearst.
Am the director of programs exhibitions and Community Partnerships for the massachusetts historical society, and im happy to welcome you to this evenings program. This is our second inperson Program Since march of 2020. Tonight well hear about one of the most consequential battles in american diplomatic history the struggle between president Woodrow Wilson and Senate Majority leader Henry Cabot Lodge over the league of nations our speaker this evening is patricia otoole. Im inso tool is a former professor in the school of arts at columbia university. She is a fellow of the society of american historians and a member of the president ial historial Historical Commission at the New York Historical society. She has published five books including biographies of Theodore Roosevelt and henry adams the second of which was a final for the Pulitzer Prize the National Book critic circle award in the Los Angeles Times book tonight. Shell be speaking on her most recent book, which is the moralist W
My name is Gavin Kleespies and i am the director of programs exhibitions and Community Partnerships for the massachusetts historical society, and im happy to welcome you to this evenings program. This is our second inperson Program Since march of 2020. Tonight well hear about one of the most consequential battles in american diplomatic history the struggle between president Woodrow Wilson and Senate Majority leader Henry Cabot Lodge over the league of nations our speaker this evening is patricia otoole. Im inso tool is a former professor in the school of arts at columbia university. She is a fellow of the society of american historians and a member of the president ial historial Historical Commission at the New York Historical society. She has published five books including biographies of Theodore Roosevelt and henry adams the second of which was a final for the Pulitzer Prize the National Book critic circle award in the Los Angeles Times book tonight. Shell be speaking on her most rec
History doesnt work on the cable news cycle, it works on the cycle of generations. In her new book author Phyllis Lee Levin recounts the formative years of americas sixth president John Quincy Adams. Its next on booktv. Tonight its a great pleasure to welcome and mhs fellow, friend of institutions Phyllis Lee Levin. Shes a graduate of mt. Julio college. Shes been a reporter or editor and columnist for the New York Times as well as a writer and editor at vogue were among her many stories was inside the white house interview with a reclusive pat nixon. I would love to take a look at that at some point. Shes also the author of several books including Abigail Adams and edith and woodrow. She lives in manhattan and has also braved the post blizzards to join us here this evening. Lets welcome fellas. [applause] thank you. I am really very honored to be here and im also worried. All of you know a great deal more about this family than i do or at least have a view to work here. I feel like a c