Mystery of the child s bones hidden in Edinburgh Castle walls - Part 1
In Victorian times, the tour guides at Edinburgh Castle had quite a startling story to tell: in 1830, a coffin had been found immured in one of the walls of the Royal Palace: it contained the skeleton of a new-born babe, wrapped in a velvet cloth embroidered with the letters ‘JR’.
Historic Fife postcards by 19th century artist Reginald Phillimore celebrated by retired consultant rheumatologist
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Michael Alexander speaks to retired consultant rheumatologist Jan Bondeson about his fascination with the works of a 19th century postcard artist who created various images of landmarks in the East Neuk of Fife.
When Swedish-born physician Jan Bondeson retired as a lecturer and consultant rheumatologist at the Cardiff University School of Medicine a few years ago, it gave him more time to indulge in his hobby of collecting books, art and postcards.