Visions of a new County Court House with ample space for all the needs of the county government and various Federal Government agencies with a modern jail comprising the top story were presented to the members of the Rotary Club Monday by T.A. Webb, chairman of Philadelphia s Post War Planning Committee.
To the delight not only of numerous admiring members of the congregation to which he is minister but to friends over the entire section, the Rev. Hugh C. Castle has been returned as pastor of the First Methodist Church here for another year.
Members of Philadelphia Post No. 138 of the American Legion cheered loudly at their Armistice celebration at the Hut last Thursday evening as Commander T.J. Mayo held the note representing the final indebtedness on the Hut and set fire to it.
Mayor W.M. Prince of this city today issues a proclamation calling upon all citizens of Philadelphia and the area surrounding to join in the observance of the 168th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps, which is being celebrated with dignity and feeling throughout the world.