> tonight on worldfocus. tonig our indepth lokat haiti in runs. asid from around the wor begins to arri, president oba tells the pple of haiti you will not be foresaken. an estimate 3 million haitians may need help. the hartbreaking story of night on the streets. the living, the dead andhose who are out to ente a world in turmoil. how decades of politica inability lead to hardshipnd suffering. and well befre the rthquake, iti s environmen at disaster, e causes consequences ocutting down the rrests. from th different perspectives of reporters and analysts aund the globe. this is worldfus. > major support has been provid by rosalin dw p. waer. and the peter g. peteon foundation. and additional funding is provided by the flowingsupporrs- good evening, welcome to worldfocus. i m daljit dhaliwaln new york. the mgnitude of the loss of lifend devastationfrom haiti s earthqua became more appant today as the red cross estited that 45 to 50,000 people were lled, and a growing
toght on worldfocus president obama s decision to impose higher tariffs chinese tire imports spar a ade dispute. ll have the view from beijing. > osama bin laden iues his rst warning to the wst in months litants loyal toim take the ght to the african nion of somalia. > the chaos in somalia is causing a humanitarian crisis in neigoring kenya. we will taou insidethe overcrded refugee camps there. and join us on a journo the ba roads of colomb in soh america where one man on a donkey is deliveri precious cargo, booksor children. from the world seading reporterand analysts, here s what s happeni from around the rld. this is worldfos. made possible in parby the following funders major support has also been provided by the peter g. peterson fouation, dedicated to promotingiscal sponsibility and addressing key economic challengefacing america s futu. good evening. i m ljit dhaliwal. tonight wee going to give you a differentperspective on a story that is mainly beg
tonight on worldfocus after the preside s speech to coness, we will show you theritish view of the americ health care debate, hothey see it. as the debate res in this cotry about treating illeg immiants, we will take you to a place in south americahere all foreignerget medical care, no questions asked. soul searching after that raid by british forces in afghanistan scued a new york times reporter but resulted in the death of an afgh journalist. anour signature seres on women in t muslim world. they wanted play just like th men. how tese turkish won formed a leag of their own. from the world sleading reporters and analyst, here s what s happening from arnd the world. this is worldfocus. made possible in part by the llowing funders major support has ao been provided by the peter g. peters foundation, dedicated to promoting fiscal reonsibility and addressi key econoc challenges facing america s futu. good eveni. i m daljit dhawal. the day after president bama
tonight o worldfocus > british prime minister gordon brown weighs in on the freed lockerbie boer while so there are askin was it mpassion or business tha freed a killer? more violence i afanistan, as early election resultsshowed twopresidtial candidates neck and nk. our globalenvirment, we have reports on risingeaevels in southsia and endangered foreetses in africa. and sports fans turnut to welcome home he in south afri amid a growing controversover sex. from the world s leading reports and analysts, here s what s hpening from around the world. this is orldfocus. made possiblin part by the following funders major suppt has also been provided by the peter g. peters foundation dedicated to promoting fiscal responsility and addressing key economi challees facing america s future. good eving. i m mart savidge. five days aer scotland released the man convicted of mbing a panjetliner over lockerbie, scotld killing 270 people, the controversynd the outrage over heleas