Kako je občina Piran s ponarejeno dokumentacijo prišla do stavbnih zemljišč
Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek. Skupni seštevek je kombinacija števila klikov in komentarjev. 8,63 Družinska hiša Vlačičevih v Seči - očitno gre za novogradnjo.
Piranska občina je nekdanjemu načelniku upravne enote Piran, Ivanu Seljaku, na podlagi ponarejene dokumentacije kmetijsko zemljišče prodala kot stavbno. Odgovorni na občini in na upravni enoti so nam posredovali neresnične in zavajajoče informacije, občina se sklicuje na napako. Tožilka je zavrgla ovadbe za kazniva dejanja kljub jasnim materialnim dokazom. Vrhovno državno tožilstvo zdaj preučuje zahtevo za nadzor nad tožilko. Kdo vse ščiti Patricka Vlačiča, Petra Bossmana in Ivana Seljaka?
The mini Venices around Europe
If there’s one thing we know about Venice, it’s that it’s unique. What other city is built on water, or packed with its signature flamboyant architecture?
It turns out, quite a few.
The Republic of Venice or the Most Serene Republic of Venice, to give it its full name existed for 1,100 years, from 697 CE to 1797 CE, when Napoleon conquered the city.
It’s an astonishing length of time for a period when upheavals, coups and conquerings were regular events.
And as it gained in power, it built a pseudo empire along the Adriatic not so much on the Italian side, but on the eastern coast, in countries such as modern day Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece. Its tentacles even stretched as far as Crete and Cyprus.
The mini Venices around Europe
If there’s one thing we know about Venice, it’s that it’s unique. What other city is built on water, or packed with its signature flamboyant architecture?
It turns out, quite a few.
The Republic of Venice or the Most Serene Republic of Venice, to give it its full name existed for 1,100 years, from 697 CE to 1797 CE, when Napoleon conquered the city.
It’s an astonishing length of time for a period when upheavals, coups and conquerings were regular events.
And as it gained in power, it built a pseudo empire along the Adriatic not so much on the Italian side, but on the eastern coast, in countries such as modern day Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece. Its tentacles even stretched as far as Crete and Cyprus.
The mini Venices around Europe
If there’s one thing we know about Venice, it’s that it’s unique. What other city is built on water, or packed with its signature flamboyant architecture?
It turns out, quite a few.
The Republic of Venice or the Most Serene Republic of Venice, to give it its full name existed for 1,100 years, from 697 CE to 1797 CE, when Napoleon conquered the city.
It’s an astonishing length of time for a period when upheavals, coups and conquerings were regular events.
And as it gained in power, it built a pseudo empire along the Adriatic not so much on the Italian side, but on the eastern coast, in countries such as modern day Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece. Its tentacles even stretched as far as Crete and Cyprus.