Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday said that if the country has to rise like an economic tiger, lawmakers must rise above personal likes and dislikes, as he chaired a high-level National Apex Committee meeting to formulate a strategy to deal with the rising incidents of terror attacks.
Islamabad: Fed up with terrorism nurtured by itself, Pakistan is now begging in front of the Taliban. At present, the situation in Pakistan . | News Track
The Taliban on Wednesday slammed the Pakistan government for blaming Afghanistan for the Peshawar mosque blast. The Taliban’s Acting Foreign Minister Amir Muttaqi called on Pakistan to investigate the Peshawar attack instead of blaming neighbouring Afghanistan for terror carnage
In a country, where the last police strike was in the 1970s, police protesting publicly and virtually indicting the army for the losses in Peshawar is a very significant development.