forward when we get toxicology and final pathology reports on the ground here assisting the officials. jillian: it sounds like that mister rainiwri is blaming people for drinking too much. rob: thank you so much, appreciate it. jillian: 19 after the hour. breaking deck at the border. dhf nearly 90% of asylum seekers not showing up to court. rob: congressman louis goehmert joins us to respond to the testimony and those numbers. every day people smith. or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it s this john smith. who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. at humana, we take a personal approach to your health,
polypublished, he wrote a piece titled the time i got recruited to collude with the russians. i can lay out what happened, he wrote. facts from which readers and investigators can draw their own conclusions. his piece is a full accounting of the report in the wall street journal. he reported that peter smith had initiated an effort to obtain clinton s deleted e-mails from russian hackers, and while doing so, he implied he had a direct line to michael flynn and to the trump campaign. it is in those efforts one of the people smith reached out the for was matt tait help from an expert. he recalls feeling deeply uneasy about and it ultimately parted ways. we reached out the him to have him on the show. he wrote, since publishing the article, i have been contacted by a number of investigators and
attend the first g-20 summit and come face to face with vladimir putin. the sit down is expected to take place on friday. it s unclear if the president will bring up the allegations that moscow interfered with the u.s. elections. there was a report an operative tried to track down clinton s missing emails. peter w. smith is convinced that the 33,000 emails were thandse s of multiple russian hackers. one of the people smith has been accused of trying recruit, matt tate who laid out his interactions. tate wrote this, although it wasn t initially october dourd me how independent smith s investigation was, it was immediately apparent that smith was well connected to the top echelons of the campaign and