relationships that were known known only to her and one other person. yes. like there were two or four annas? i see where she is coming from. you know, i know our cultures are like that i know that people don t share things. the professor explained, anna was his personal charity. the cops wondered about his moveits. when a man interested in a woman, bank rolls her, nothing happens, she said, you are too old, or realize you are too old, that can make some guys pretty angry? absolutely. obviously, we needed to keep digging. the professor said they dated. is she some kind of sugar daddy? he is giving her money, in hopes that she would gain
reported her missing. detectives invited him downtown and grilled him about his whereabouts the night of anna s death. and the boyfriend s aliby was i was there at the scene of the murder, i could not get in and i didn t know she was there. right, yes. he said that he was at grapevine elementary getting his daughter s grades much. he answered all the questions. but a couple of things left the cops wondering. during the interrogation, he asked if he should get a lawyer and later, he did. anna s son talks freely to you. doesn t hire an attorney. her ex-husband, bob, talks to you, doesn t hire an attorney. her boyfriend, however, does. that make you sit up and take notice? he does raise the question of if he should get an attorney, about the time we started to ask
reporter: yes. surprising? yes. very. i didn t know that. reporter: there were secret relationships that were known apparently only to her and maybe one other person. mm-hmm. reporter: it s like there were two annas or four annas. uh-huh. and i see where she s coming from, because, you know, i know our cultures are like that. i know that people don t share things. reporter: the professor explained anna was essentially his personal charity. the cops wondered about his motives. when a man who s interested in a woman basically bankrolls her, gives her 40-something thousand dollars and nothing happens, she s not interested in him, or she says, you re too old, or you realize you re too old um, that can make some guys pretty angry? absolutely. obviously we needed to keep diggin . reporter: the professor admits they dated briefly. i m not sure what dated means, but i mean, is he some kind of sugar daddy?