(Editor’s note: To mark Westmoreland County’s 250th birthday this year, we’ve come up with a list of 250 things — 10 things in 25 communities — that we consider to be important to the makeup of our area. This series will appear each week through December. If you have a
Throughout this year, the Bedford County Sestercentennial Celebrations Committee will be presenting a series of articles by means of the kind assistance of the Bedford Gazette (itself, a gem in
What is a mainline Christian, anyway?
A recent survey raises new questions about an old tradition.
In this July 20, 2014, photo, members of the congregation file out after Sunday morning worship services at Riverside Church in New York. The building is modeled after the 13th century cathedral in Chartres, France. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)
July 8, 2021
(RNS) Is it a denomination? Is it a set of theological beliefs? Is it the type of church you attend? How exactly do you define a mainline Protestant Christian?
It’s a question asked by many on Thursday (July 8), after polling outfit Public Religion Research Institute unveiled a new survey that showed white mainline Protestant Christians outnumbering white evangelical Christians in America a marked shift that surprised some observers.