Here is a story surrounded in mystery that I look forward to exploring further. In theory somewhere in 1796 the American ship Hercules wrecked on our Eastern Cape coast.
ANC presidential hopeful Lindiwe Sisulu will criss-cross the province as she hits the campaign trail this weekend. Sisulu​ will deliver a memorial lecture to celebrate struggle stalwart Lilian Ngoyi, the first woman to make the cut for the ANC national executive committee (NEC), in Tamara in Peddie on Saturday.
Tavern owners in Delmas, Mpumalanga, on Wednesday pleaded with the deputy minister of social development Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu to take substance abuse campaigns to shebeens and taverns.
An elderly Makhanda woman who went missing on Wednesday has been found unharmed between Peddie and Qonce. DispatchLIVE reported on Thursday that Caryl Oosthuizen, 70, wife of Dr Fred Oosthuizen, a GP in Makhanda, was last seen driving past the Rhini Junction just before 4pm in the direction of Peddie.