Shares of Paytm (listed as One97 Communications) have slipped 30% in the last two weeks. On the other hand, the stock, which hit a 52 week high of Rs 998.30 on October 20 , 2023 ended at Rs 605.85 on December 15, 2023, falling 39.31% in the last two months. Market cap of Paytm fell to Rs 38,460 crore on BSE on Friday. Total 4.81 lakh shares of the firm changed hands amounting to a turnover of Rs 29.12 crore. The stock fell to a 52-week low of Rs 472 on December 23, 2022.
“If for the whole of the country, there are going to be only two food delivery companies, then the opportunity is much bigger and today maybe a 100 million customers out of 1.4 billion are using a service like this. Five years out, 200 million, 250 million of the middle class households might use that and then the frequency of use might improve.”
In regards to Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), Paytm said, ‘our focus over the past few quarters continues to be on payment volumes that generate profitability for us, either through net payments margin or from direct upsell potential.’