Support groups, clinics and health classes are published weekly on Wednesdays for events and meetings within the next 10 to 14 days. Email submissions for Health Calendar to by 10 a.m. Thursday but least a week in advance of the event.
Support groups, clinics and health classes are published weekly on Wednesdays. Email submissions to by 10 a.m. at least a week in advance.
Support groups, clinics and health classes are published weekly on Wednesdays. Email submissions to by 10 a.m. at least a week in advance.
Support groups, clinics and health classes are published weekly on Wednesdays. Email submissions to by 10 a.m. at least a week in advance.
Minnesota recorded nearly 93,000 new cases of COVID-19 in the past week and 250 deaths due to COVID-19. The number of people in the state's ICUs with COVID-19 has decreased in the past week, but the number of people in hospitals has fluctuated without a definitive trend during the week.