Its the fed on a day where the fed presented the monthly heati lly meeting, surprise we heard endless chatter how the stock market is in a bubble of the feds making. After a good day, the dow gained 160 points and nasdaq fell to 1. 35 . You need to know that i think this is totally nuts yeah, right. The all powerful fed created an environment where equity is the only asset class worth owning and bonds are for suckers. Its our central bank with the illuminati and free masons im sick and tired of hearing were in a bubble that the feds over inflating the price of stocks by printing money to keep the economy moving believe it or not, there is more to the economy than the Federal Reserve and certainly more to the stock market first, im not saying the fed doesnt matter of course, its important. They could raise shortterm rates to five and that could crush the stock market that would make the bears happy. I can hear them coming on air and praising the fed for giving investors a reasonable al