visible in hand. we can t show you what happened next. this video shows him running away. from syria. 31 years old. this is the park where it happened. 10am this morning. lots of young children there. the man with the knife has a child of his own, around the same age as those he attacked. let s hearfrom people who were there. translation: all of a sudden, a lady says, run, run, - there is a guy who stabbing everyone all along the lake . he stabbed some children . run, run . i tell the cops to shoot him, kill him, he is stabbing everybody . i was approaching that end of the lake, i saw and heard multiple police sirens and a helicopter about to land. i knew immediately there was some very dire emergency situation happening. so i stopped where i was, at the corner of the park near the lake, and started photographing. i observed a channel 26 french tv person with her cameraman. it was somewhat chaotic. the police were trying to keep bicyclists and people from approaching the
Thirty Years Ago This Week: While political bellwethers were indicating that the Democratic Party might finally take control of one or both houses of Colorado’s legislature, state Republican Party Chairman
Once a person defines themself as a “Conservative Christian” or a “Progressive Christian” you know something is awry in their priorities. It is a deceptive use of language which mostly fools the person using the label. There is no such thing as a conservative Christian or a progressive one. The phrase defies the meaning of what being a Christian is.
A Talk Delivered To The National Unity Gathering, National Council Of Churches, Nashville, Tennessee, October 10, 2023, By The Reverend Dr. Rob Schenck In reading about Bonhoeffer's role in the struggle to maintain the integrity of the gospel in the context of his own Evangelishe Kirche, I came across a factoid that cracked the very foundation of my then-moral and religious certitude.