Malavika Jayaram, daughter of Jayaram and Parvathy, tied the knot with Navaneeth Gireesh in a traditional Hindu wedding. Get all the details about the star-studded ceremony and celebrity guests in this article.
Veteran actor Jayaram's daughter Malavika got married to Navaneeth at Guruvayur temple. Jayaram gets emotional as he recalls his own wedding at the same venue 32 years ago.
Starring Vikram in the lead role, Thangalaan is set in the 19th Century Kolar Gold Fields. Like many of Pa Ranjith's previous films (except his debut Attakathi), the upcoming venture also deals with social oppression.
Animal director Sandeep Reddy Vanga recalled actor Parvathy Thiruvothu's criticism of his films, and questioned her understanding of what constitutes glorification of violence.