Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Education released updated guidance for institutions that contract with third-party servicers ("TPS") to administer any aspect of the institution's.
UPDATE: On February 28, 2023, the Department updated the Dear Colleague Letter issued February 15, 2023 to establish a future effective date for the guidance, extend the public comment.
The U.S. Department of Education (Department) published its newest "Dear Colleague Letter" (DCL ID: GEN-23-03) on Feb. 15, 2023, making sweeping changes to the regulation of agreements.
On February 15, 2023 (updated February 16, 2023), the United States Department of Education (“ED,” or the “Department”) released a Dear Colleague Letter[1](the “DCL”) regarding the.
Wednesday’s U.S. Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter announces an expanded Department interpretation of the definition of Third-Party Servicer to include a new array of.