Indian actress Parno Mitra and noted actor Mosharraf Karim have paired up for the government granted film “BIldakini”. The shooting unit of the film had begun filming the project with Mosharraf Karim in Naogaon, from January 12. The actress arrived today to join the team.
Kolkata, July 3
Actors have always been the prime target of online trolls for reasons ranging from weight, outfit, personal life to even complexion. While some respond on social media, others choose to ignore them.
Bengali TV actor Shruti Das, often targeted for her dusky skin tone, however, could not take it lying down anymore and filed a cyber complaint with the Kolkata Police on Thursday.
Das, who debuted in 2019 in Bengali soap Trinayani , said she had been shamed for her skin tone for the last two years but it reached a point where she could not take it anymore as the attacks were becoming more and more personal.