NEW DELHI: Five people, including one person who goes by the alias "Ramayani Chaiwala", filed papers on Tuesday, the first day of the nomination process vice-presidential election. July 19 is the last date for filing nominations.The term of incumbent M Venkaiah Naidu ends on August 10 and the next vice president will take oath on August 11. A candidate can file a maximum of
New Delhi, July 5 (PTI): Five people, including one who goes by the alias “Ramayani Chaiwala”, filed papers on Tuesday, the first day of the nomination process for the August 6 vice-presidential election. The nomination papers of one candidate were rejected for failing to furnish a mandatory document. July 19 is the last date for filing nominations. According to the details available with the office of the returning officer, K Padmarajan of Salem district in Tamil Nadu, Pareshkumar Nanubhai Mulani from Ahmedabad, Hosmath Vijayanand from Bengaluru and Naidugari Rajasekhar Srimukhalingam from Andhra Pradesh have filed their nominations for the vice-presidential polls. Anand Singh Khushwaha from Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh, who goes by the alias “Ramayani Chaiwala”, was also among those who filed nomination papers at the returning officer’s office in Parliament. Though Khushwaha’s papers were accepted, he did not submit the security deposit of Rs 15,000.