Now that holidays are upon us, it is time to celebrate with gifts of festive treats.
Maurizio Ciminella, owner of Amici Market, began placing holiday orders with his Italian vendors last May, in the spirit of optimism for the coming season. By mid-November, he began stocking shelves. The shop looks like panettone city.
This quintessential Italian sweet bread debuted in Milano during the 15th century as a regional holiday confection and has spread throughout the world.
Making panettone takes time. A starter is carefully blended into dough and the mixture undergoes a slow rise, sometimes lasting more than 18 hours. The dough, which by now is filled with small bubbles, is put in decorative oven-proof paper and placed in a conical pan for baking. The texture is important. It should be extremely light yet melt-in-your-mouth moist.