/PRNewswire/ The "CRISPR Gene Detection and Diagnostic Markets by Research, Clinical Lab, Consumer, Public Service & Other with Executive and Consultant.
/PRNewswire/ The "CRISPR Gene Detection and Diagnostic Markets by Research, Clinical Lab, Consumer, Public Service & Other with Executive and Consultant.
/PRNewswire/ The "CRISPR Gene Detection and Diagnostic Markets by Research, Clinical Lab, Consumer, Public Service & Other with Executive and Consultant.
/PRNewswire/ The "CRISPR Gene Detection and Diagnostic Markets by Research, Clinical Lab, Consumer, Public Service & Other with Executive and Consultant.
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The market has just gotten started with a handful of small startup companies. Expect the big players to start taking notice.
CRISPR is not just about changing genes. CRISPR identifies unique genetic material instantly, accurately and cheaply. A whole new world of identification and diagnostics opens up. Find out exactly what kind of cold or flu you have. Find out exactly what kind of fish you are eating. Instantly detect the presence of unwelcome bacteria, anywhere. A new COVID test is already available.
Will this disruptive technology change the world of In Vitro Diagnostics? What is the impact on Clinical Laboratories? How will social norms be affected?