People are set to have suffered from o. C. D. Like Charles Dolphin or Martin Luther what they have in common repetitive rituals they are fully aware of but they cant stop. Just one last check to see if the door is locked or the stove is off lots of people do this but for about two Million People in germany these habits are compulsion and sufferers feel enormous pressure to perform certain behaviors again and again. People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder wash their hands repeatedly for extended periods of time or check or clean things over and over again for hours on end until theyre completely exhausted or compulsion to dominate their lives. He was dr shaw hes the head of the department of psychiatry of the here and thanks for having me today and i think Everybody Knows the situation that he is to doublecheck of the door is shut. Turned
compulsive behavior occur with some reason for it actually we dont know the for the reason of course there are genetic compounds. As a kind of risk
a good alternative medication with psychotherapy does not help much however they are quite good to sell palp programs in the internet so if you go to the head and look for o.c.d. and sell palp you might find helpful programs and this is safe there s self-help programs of course says a lot of all i checked looked quite go to and. use the riots strategies about them might be some black sheep ok here we go to view a christian from el salvador. ones to know where this is also an indication for other psychological missiles oh yes that might be a very have a lot of co-morbidity as we call it that means that is together within our psychotic disorder follow example schizophrenia or addiction does all that is so every terror business ought to look carefully of there s a second disorder as well thanks for answering all my questions and if you ve got