, April 29 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday assured Punekars that it is his guarantee to the citizens of Maharashtra that the day is not far when they will travel in a bullet train."This is Modi's guarantee to Maharashtra's .
Union minister Nitin Gadkari shared the dais with senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh during a book release function near Pune city and praised the latter for his annual pilgrimage to Pandharpur, a temple town in Maharashtra.
Notably, Nitin Gadkari had filed the defamation case against Digvijaya Singh in 2012 for allegedly dragging his name into alleged irregularities in the allocation of coal blocks. He had withdrawn the case in 2018.
Singh visits Pandharpur, which houses the famous temple of Lord Vitthal and Goddess Rukmini in Solapur district, every year to offer prayers to the deity on Ashadi Ekadashi when the palanquins carrying sacred footprints of Sant Tuakram and Sant Dnyaneshwar reach the town along with lakhs of warkaris (devotees).