Have been innonedated by the most water in a long time. Some folks have already left. Many have stayed taking a cautious wait and see approach. Some stranded folks are hoping that flooded out roads will eventually recede, giving them access to and from their homes on higher ground. Definitely something you prepare for, but i think the scope of this storm is definitely something that people didnt plan for even in their preplanning for the storm. The only reason why im chilling is because im a three time flood victim. I was laying there doing nothing while everyone is moving. Even my next door neighbor, everybody is gone, but me. Its looks a lot deeper and it doesnt look like it will recede. In 2014 when the tides receded, you had access into your house, but it doesnt look like that this year. Do you think there are homes that werent affected . For sure. And the volume of water that is reaching the houses is definitely at a higher level, so more things are compromised. Since these towns