See a doctor. They tell us they are afraid that they think when they get sick that ability might be taken away from the. These are real concerns and they deserve real solutions. So today we will examine liberal proposals that say they speak to these concerns. One proposal is called medicare for all. This is a proposal that would outlaw private coverage and put almost all of us on a government run plan. And it is a support, bill that would implement it is supported by almost half of all House Democrat members, 14 senators including four who are running for president. Another proposal which i will call medicare for all flight just for the sake of ease of reference is all americans the ability role in a new government run plan. And on the surface i think these ideas seem like they are easy solutions but and if any of what you look at we see slim majorities to majorities of americans saying theyre interested in them. Today we are going to learn more about what these proposals will do, whet
When Medicaid expansion was first enacted, it was a hot topic debate between Democrats and Republicans. But more and more states are starting to expand Medicaid, including several conservative states.
The following is an open letter to the American people from 68 leaders participating in the Health Policy Consensus Group. The full list of signatories follows the letter. The nation faces a clear choice between two paths for America’s health care future: