On Thursday, Gautam Buddh Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh logged 600 new Covid-19 cases. Meanwhile, the number of active cases in Ghaziabad district rose to 1,180.
Covid Heroes of the Day from Noida: Nehra couple cooks meals for patients
Covid Heroes of the Day from Noida: Nehra couple cooks meals for patients
Our Covid Heroes today are Jyoti and Nishant Nehra, who have been serving meals to Covid patients in their area, free of cost.
Nehra couple cooks meals for patients.
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic in India, a couple from Uttar Pradesh’s Noida has emerged as a messiah for families affected by the deadly virus. Our Covid Heroes today are Jyoti and Nishant Nehra, who have been serving meals to Covid patients in their area, free of cost. Read their story here.