Award-winning journalist Mariam Ouedraogo finds it impossible to forget the heartbreaking stories she has covered about sexual assault in Burkina Faso's jihadist war."In Burkina, everything that concerns sexuality is taboo."
Burkina Faso's military government announced Wednesday that Burkinabe intelligence and security services foiled a coup attempt. Burkina Faso's transitional government announced in a statement, read out on state television late Wednesday by junta spokesman Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo, that a "proven coup attempt" was foiled on Tuesday.
Burkina Faso's military government announced Wednesday that Burkinabe intelligence and security services foiled a coup attempt. Burkina Faso's transitional government announced in a statement, read out on state television late Wednesday by junta spokesman Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo, that a "proven coup attempt" was foiled on Tuesday.
Authorities said Devictor Ouedraogo had an altercation with other subway train passengers, including Williams’ girlfriend, before the fatal incident. A […] The post Grand jury declines to indict Jordan Williams for stabbing, killing NYC subway passenger appeared first on TheGrio.
The prosecutor has said the man Williams stabbed struck him one or two times first. Witnesses have said the man […] The post Daniel Penny and Jordan Williams are accused in fatal subway killings. The cases have little in common appeared first on TheGrio.